13 Ghosts (1960) US 1 Sheet Poster (Green Style / Viewer)
William Castle's haunted house classic filmed in Illusion-O, where the special 'ghost viewer' allows you to see the apparitions in an otherwise empty shot. The boast that the ghosts can be seen in 'Ectoplasmic Color' merely means they are occasionally visible with a reddish tinge through the viewer, in the otherwise black and white film. Perhaps Illusion-O isn't one of Castle's finest ideas, but it's still an important step in his history of gimmicks.
This is the Style B poster, to explain the Ghost Viewer and the ghosts you might expect to see - it is far less common that the standard 1 Sheet.
Condition: GOOD - except for long tear from bottom right border, through 'her lover' and to edge of inner black box.
Cast: Charles Herbert, Jo Morrow, Rosemary deCamp