Sissy Spacek and Shelly Duvall in black and white grainy photo sitting at a bar
Horror Poster Emporium

3 Women (1977) UK Quad Poster

Regular price £71.25 Sale price £95.00
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Robert Altman's dream-like masterpiece, which won Shelley Duvall Best Actress at Cannes that year. With cinematographer Chuck Roscher, they achieved the hazy washed-out look by under-exposing the exteriors and dragging them up in the lab, and over-exposing the interiors and pulling them down. Altman describes it as a film about 'empty vessels in an empty landscape'.

Not only did Duvall act, she provided her own set decorations, as well as all the insane recipes she prattles off. She takes in Pinky Rose, her co-worker at a care home in a dusty California desert town, and a game of shifting identities begins, (as well as exploring their connection to a strange woman painting harpy-like creatures in a swimming pool mural).

Condition: NEAR MINT

Cast: Sissy Spacek, Shelley Duvall, Janice Rule, Robert Fortier, Ruth Nelson