Fighting Legions (1963) UK Quad Poster
Released in the UK in 1965, Leopoldo Savona's epic adventure is an early example of harnessing Da Vinci's inventions to an action plot. Three brother fight an evil Duke in early Renaissance Italy creating Da Vinci's designs for a flying machine, early tank and other weapons of war. Sumptiously photographed by Pier Ludovico Pavoni, who made a career in Peplum-inspired cinema, but could equally turn his hand to the gothic trappings of Mill of the Stone Women (1960).
Starring John Jr. of the Barrymore acting dynasty (and father of Drew), his career was blighted by drug busts and the sort of two-fisted escapades that escaped scrutiny in earlier decades, but became a liability as the 60s wore on. Director Savona concentrated mainly on historicals and westerns, although he did write and direct the gothic giallo Byleth: The Demon of Incest (1972).
Aka: Arms of the Avenger / I diavoli di Spartivento / Weapons of War
Condition: GOOD - Some paper loss and damage to borders
Cast: John Drew Barrymore, Scilla Gabel (Modesty Blaise - 1066), Giacomo Rossi Stuart, Michel Lemoine.