Invasion of the Blood Farmers (1982) US 1 Sheet Poster
Upstate New York is rife with secret Druids, posing as farmers in order to harvest unwary stranger's blood, and resurrect their queen. Lucky Director Ed Adlum (who co-wrote with work buddy Ed Kelleher) had plenty of friends and family to help out. Shot over three weekends (when camera hire is cheapest) he paid his cast in six-packs and had them wear their own clothes.
Shot for $24,000 the two Eds never saw a penny back, after they'd passed distribution responsibilities over to Nicholas Demetroules - Girl on a Chain Gang (1966), Motel of Fear (1973). The film was shot by Roberta Findlay (as Frederick Douglass), a noted exploitation and sex film technician / actress, who has the longest list of pseudonyms in the business.
Condition: FINE / VERY FINE
Cast: Norman Kelley, Tanna Hunter, Bruce Detrick, Jack Beubeck, Paul Craig Jennings