Our Mother's House / Jack of Diamonds (Both 1967) Double Crown Poster
A kind of suburban Lord of the Flies, where a family of seven children bury their beloved mother in the back garden, and, determined to stay together, support themselves without the authorities suspecting. The arrival of their ne'er do well father brings the precarious situation to a head. The second of Clayton's three explorations into children navigating reality and the occult, [the first The Innocents (1961) and the last Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983)] it's a tour de force, with understated and utterly convincing performances from the young cast.
Jack of Diamonds is an undemanding jewel thief caper from director Don Taylor, who went on to more interesting projects such as Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971), The Island of Dr Moreau (1977) and Damien: Omen II (1978). It starred George Hamilton, then more famous for dating president Lyndon B. Johnson's daughter Lynda than his acting.
Aka: Sinister Spel, A las nueve, cada noche (At nine, each night)
Condition: FINE - Bottom left diagonal fold, bottom edge dinks and 1" tear, small stain bottom right corner.
Cast: Dirk Bogarde, Margaret Brooks, Pamela Franklin, Phoebe Nicholls, Mark Lester, Yootha Joyce (after her powerful cameo in Clayton's 1964 The Pumpkin Eater), Gerald Sim, Edina Ronay / George Hamilton, Joseph Cotten, Marie Laforêt, Maurice Evans - and the stars who were robbed playing 'themselves': Carroll Baker, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Lilli Palmer.