Voices (1973) UK Quad Poster
Richard Lortz wrote a play called The Others, shown on ITV's Armchair Theatre in 1970, directed by Piers Haggard - The Blood on Satan's Claw (1971). It was then remade as Voices three years later, through David Hemming's own production company Hemdale. Set up originally as a tax shelter, it proved to be a way to rejuvenate his career in the seventies. This time Kevin Billington - The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer (1970) directed Hemmings and his then wife Gayle Hunnicutt in a dry run for the basic plotline of Alejandro Amenábar's version, The Others (2001).
Artist: Arnaldo Putzu
Condition: FINE / VERY FINE
Cast: David Hemmings - Deep Red (1975), Gayle Hunnicutt - Legend of Hell House (1974), Lynn Farleigh, Russell Lewis, Eva Griffith, Peggy Ann Clifford - Grip of the Strangler (1958), Murder by Decree (1979)